The final in a trilogy of 2009 celebrity interviews.
Charlottesville, VA, May 6, 2009
Electric Grandmother: Hello Man!
Dave Matthews: Hi man.
EG: Hello honey.
DM: Hi.
EG: What has been new lately?
DM: Not a whole lot. The usual, writing songs and performing with my band.
EG: To what do you owe your success?
DM: Hard work and persistence, and just trying to create the best possible songs.
EG: How long have you been this way?
DM: A while.
EG: What was it like when you were young?
DM: Pretty good.
EG: Who are your main influences?
DM: A lot of folk rock/blues stuff like the Grateful Dead, I also like Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix.
EG: I never would have guessed!
DM: (laughs) Yeah, I guess it's no secret.
EG: What was the name of your first band?
DM: We were called Tribe of Heaven.
EG: Why did the Dave Matthews tour bus empty their poop off that bridge?
DM: You have to understand, man. We didn't mean to hit anyone with the poop. It was an accident. We apologized to that guy and bought him dinner.
EG: Where did you get dinner?
DM: Bob Evans.
EG: Sounds good. What are your immediate plans for the future?
DM: Take it easy, somewhat. We've been going at this for a while now. Sometimes we get really tired, and it's good to take a break.
EG: How are you feeling now?
DM: Pretty good. I love you.
EG: Do you have any idea when the new album is coming out?
DM: 2003.
EG: Awesome!
DM: Indeed!
EG: Okay, I gotta go, any words to leave us with?
DM: Treat each other well, and don't forget to have a good time. Thank you for being here.